Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wildlife Photography

In reading chapter 3, we were supposed to pick 3 different wildlife pictures and blog about concepts that were used for the chapter in getting these photos. But with the photo above, its hard to tell what was used. I'd say that this was during mating season for the animals as they were fighting and that the photographer knew when the season was. The photographer knew of the location that the animals could be found and so that person waited for them and captured them, but waited for them to be fighting. So he used patience, homework and was probably a reasonable distance from them. I find it hard with the lighting though. I love the picture, but what plays in my mind is that this picture was taken at night with what looks like headlights on them. But it could even be a sunrise or sunset.

This picture is an easy one to identify. The photographer did it from the comfort of their own home and used bait to capture the subject. But, it also took patience in waiting for the subject because the bird isn't gonna come right up. The photographer would also of had to had kept his distance so that the bird would actually come and not be frightened. Then, just fired away!

The photographer did their homework of knowing when the salmon would be swimming upstream and location for the bear and specific type. They knew the behaviors of the bear and the fish and probably camped and waited for the subject to show. In a way, its like baiting, but nature's own way of doing it.  So they indirectly controlled the subjects behavior. Then they had to wait for the right time when the bear would enter the water and go for the fish.

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