Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 15th Article Blog

This was an article that I stumbled on quite a while ago, but it does seem to have important aspects for a photographer. The article is basically about 8 different effects you can use. Some are strictly for art while others can make great photographs of whatever you're doing.

One effect is the golden hour, which most photographers should know. Its the last or first hour when the sun rises and sets and can make for great shots that interest and add a lot of color to the photograph. There is also Bokeh, which I think is more of an art style of photography. The point of it is is to blur lights to give it an effect. The lights could also be manipulated with objects and people to make it look like they give a purpose.

Other things were the rule of 3rds and the golden mean which is something that we have already learned and is about proportioning the subjects for photographs.

There are 4 other effects that if you want to, you can read in the article. But I thought that this would of been a great article to share with the class because a lot of us are new to this stuff and we should be open to new things. There are some great effects that the people in the class can use to give their photos an interesting perspective and effect.

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